‘To Kill A Mocking Bird’ Book Review: Racism beyond what we know
To Kill a Mockingbird is a book that a lot of people have read at some point in their lives. Some have been forced to read it at their school whereas others have had a look at it because of being urged to read by …
Best English Novels:
Did we just say books? Oh yes! There is nothing better than sitting down with a good book, with tea/ coffee and a little music. It’s heaven on earth! Won’t you agree? Reading opens up your mind and takes you to a completely different world, …
Movies That Brought Life To The Books: Unmissable Book to Movie Adaptations
There is an age-old debate about the topic of the famous book to movie adaptations. Some say that it is completely unfair to adapt it on-screen while some say that adapting it on-screen helps reach a diverse audience base. Well, this debate has no …