Whenever the topics of personal development and self-help books come up, the first name to pop up in every reader’s head is Robin Sharma. He has become a leading figure in the world of personal growth and development. Sharma worked as a lawyer until 25 years of age and has a degree in Law. Later, he self-published his book The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and Mega Living. Both of them turned out to be two of the best books by Robin Sharma. He gained popularity by the book The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. All the books in this series are considered to be Robin Sharma best books.
A Canadian writer and motivational speaker by profession, Robin Sharma is considered among the top 5 leaders in the world. Due to his world-class speaking skills, prestigious organizations from Nike to NASA have chosen Robin to motivate everyone with his moving words at all their important events. He is a global icon who has helped millions realize their inner talent and potential. His books have sold more than 15 million copies around the world and still continue to be on the best selling list.
Robin Sharma is a revolution in himself. He has worked tirelessly to help others thrive and succeed in life. As amazing as it may sound, he also runs a number of free video lectures and courses to help everyone who wants to achieve greatness in his life. Robin Sharma books have been sold in more than 96 nations and translated into more than 30 languages. Sharma is one of the most-read authors around the globe. Sharma’s books have created a global impact making his books most celebrated of all time!
If you want to read some of the best books by Robin Sharma, then this list is for you!
1. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari was published in the year 1997 by Harper Collins. This book was self-published by Sharma first, then Harper Collins took over. This book ranks first among all the Robin Sharma best books. It became immensely popular around the world and sold almost 3 million copies till 2013. Due to the popularity of this book, Sharma also wrote a number of books in this series following the same genre and pattern.
This story is based on the life of Julian, a fifty-three-year-old lawyer. He is the best in his field, extremely popular and invariably rich. Julian has everything that one can wish for. A lavish house, a luxurious car, and so on. His wisdom, wit, and display of talent in the courtroom often made headlines. Until one day, his life changes completely when he suffers a severe cardiac arrest in the courtroom. He is rushed to the hospital and his life is saved, but the immense stress and tension follow. He decides to sell off his belongings including his house and red Ferrari and embarks on his journey to the mysterious land of India. What follows is a path of self-discovery and spirituality that the sages of India bestowed him with.
This Robin Sharma book is a conversation between Julian and his best friend, John after he returns to his country. The old and tired Julian looks fresh as dew and hence, becomes a matter of question from his friend. Julian then starts sharing his whole experience which forms the backbone of this book. Through his book, Sharma shows a path of enlightenment. A number of lines in this book will inspire you. The story is slow and becomes tiring at times but if you read through the first two chapters, the rest of the book is a cakewalk. The book contains a number of life-lessons and most importantly, the meaning of life. It will change your life in a way that you never imagined. Highly recommended book!
2. Who Will Cry When You Die?
First published in 1999, this is one of the best Robin Sharma books. This book follows the life teachings from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari which was already a success. This is a self-help book that makes use of everyday instances and simple tasks to make you understand life fully. Though it may make use of really obvious and everyday examples, the meaning behind it is very deep and fulfilling.
The whole book is a journey in itself making it one of the many Robin Sharma best books. It throws light on the fact that you should live so meaningfully that after you are gone, a number of people should remember your presence and cry for you. That is the crux of the whole book. It teaches you to live your life with a purpose so much so that you feel contented and fulfilled. It also emphasizes on the fact about how easily we want to give up and stop trying in life. Whereas, the real essence of life lies in that. Whenever we stop trying, we stop living. Every line of this book sparks a new joy and motivation in the readers. The essence of the book lies in the readers and how they perceive it as a whole.
The book gives you minor suggestions to live a better life including getting up early in the morning, doing something you like, being kind to a stranger, and so on. All these activities induce a sense of joy in a person. The best books by Robin Sharma have been a constant source of inspiration to numerous readers around the world and this book is no exception. If you need a little push in life, then this book is for you. If you feel you are losing control of your life, then this book is for you. If you want to live your life meaningfully and be faithful to oneself, then this is your pick.
3. The 5 AM Club
This one is the latest in the list of Robin Sharma books. Published in 2018, this book is centred around the theme, “Own the morning: elevate your life.” As the theme may suggest, it talks about waking up early in the morning and how it will affect your life for the better. The book is one of the best Robin Sharma books. It takes you through various instances of successful business titans, entrepreneurs, and others who are thoroughly successful in their field.
The story revolves around an artist and entrepreneur who happens to meet a motivational speaker and also a billionaire named Riley Stone who becomes their secret mentor. They travel to different places spanning over different countries and then discuss the 5 AM Club by learning from the billionaire. In this book, you will come across a number of techniques that are sure to change your life. You will learn how beneficial an early-rising habit can be. The book also highlights how getting up early can affect your whole day and make you supremely productive. You can have time to do everything that you like from exercising to meditating or preparing early for your presentation, meeting, or examination. Your life will become more fulfilling and worthy.
The book covers it all.
Sharma has the brilliance of putting up a motivational book in the form of a story first so that it keeps the readers engaged and interested. This unique style of writing is only evident in the best books by Robin Sharma. The writer not only focuses on the habit of waking up early but also talks about the activities that follow thereafter. However, Sharma could have focused more on the main topic and not deviated towards the story. It does confuse the readers at the time. Nevertheless, he has crafted one of the most motivational books ever. It will enlighten you thoroughly and help you embark on a path of life-long happiness.
4. The Leader Who Had No Title
This book was published in 2010. It is another book that tops the category of Robin Sharma best books. Originally a self-help book, this takes you through the various aspects of leadership that can really make you stand out of the rest in your workplace. As we know, Robin Sharma has been working with a number of prestigious companies as an adviser. Undoubtedly, he is one of the best that we have right now. In this book, he talks about his secret to acing it as a leader in life. This book will guide you, motivate you, and push you towards a greater life.
The story begins with Blake, an ex-army man who is now working at a bookstore. He has practically lost everything in his life and is living his life in absolute despair. He is so lost and hopeless that he finds it nearly impossible to concentrate on his work and life. His whole life seems to fall apart at once and he has no way out when he meets a man at the bookstore. This man is excessively rich and has won the “Employee of the Year” award for five consecutive years. This mysterious man decides to help Blake, our protagonist. He gives him a brief insight into the “leader without a title” philosophy. Blake is impressed and desires to know more about it. At this, the man tells him to seek guidance from the four teachers who will give him a deeper knowledge of this philosophy and help him grow.
This book by Robin Sharma is as inspiring as it can get. It talks about very usual and familiar topics that we tend to avoid in our life including being positive, disciplined, and finding the true purpose of our work. If we are able to inculcate these petty yet powerful values in our daily life, then the path to being the best leader is simple. Sharma has talked about the deepest of things in simple and understandable language. That is the simplicity of his writing which makes him different from others. This is a quick read but you will gain a lot from it.
5. The Saint, The Surfer, and The CEO
As the title may suggest, this Robin Sharma book carries worthy advice and suggestion by taking into consideration the point of view of a saint, a surfer, and a CEO. All these belong to completely contrasting backgrounds of the profession and it is quite obvious that they will have absolutely differing outlook on life. Though this book may not belong to the valuable category of Robin Sharma best books, it is a must-read for anyone looking for motivation and help. This is indeed a feel-good book that will make you value your existence. You will feel worthy and complete. Rarely a book can make you feel this way!
The book starts on a dramatic note when the protagonist Jack is caught in a car accident. He is rushed to the hospital immediately. In the hospital, he meets a rather interesting man named Cal. They start having a conversation and Cal advises Jack on tons of things. The next morning after Jack wakes up, he finds that Cal has passed away. But to his utter surprise, Jack finds flight tickets that Cal has left behind for Jack. These flight tickets will lead him to a life-changing destination. He meets the saint, the surfer, and the CEO who give him advice for a lifetime. The simplicity of Sharma’s writing brings out the best in his words making this a part of Robin Sharma best books in its own unique way.
This Robin Sharma book is a true delight. You will have a nice time reading this book that will fill you with a sense of enthusiasm and motivation. You will find wisdom in each and every line of this book. The simpler the lines, the deeper the knowledge. You just need to have an eye for it. The book talks about self-care, gratitude, journaling, helping others, kindness, and so on. The advice offered by the three teachers on various phases of life will stay with you for a long time. If you like this type of Robin Sharma books, then you will love this one.
6. The Greatness Guide
This Robin Sharma book was published in 2006. The Greatness Guide believes that we all can achieve greatness in life if we choose to. This also takes up a place in Robin Sharma best books. It is the handy book that you have needed all along. This book not only helps you professionally but also personally. Hence, you can ace both and be on the top of your game.
Sharma has been empowering millions around the globe. His top clients like NASA, Nike, and FedEx have always taken his advice to achieve the much-needed greatness in their field. Hence, all the hype about Sharma is worth it. This robin Sharma book contains a lot of life-changing quotes that can inspire you to do better in whatever you choose to do. Will this book be a ready-made guide to achieve greatness? Well, nothing is possible without your efforts, so they matter the most. The book, however, will leave you with a number of questions about yourself and your life. Often, you will find yourself engaged in deep thoughts about your life decisions.
The Greatness Guide, unlike other Robin Sharma books, is not based on a fictional story but it contains all the practical methods to guide you on the correct path. If you promise yourself that you will make better choices for yourself, then there’s no stopping you from your goals. The book has numerous quotes by famous masters and leaders who have achieved greatness in their lives. It is sure to enhance your perspective and elevate your life. Everyone should the best books by Robin Sharma once in their life.
7. Discover Your Destiny with the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
This forms a part of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari series. Discover Your Destiny is actually the path of self-awakening and self-discovery that aligns with one of the Robin Sharma best books and draws its life lessons. The whole book is an experience in itself that will impart a great sense of knowledge and wisdom to the readers. If Julian Mantle is already your favourite character from the previous book, then you already like this book!
The book is a conversation between Julian and his chosen student. Julian helps his student, Dan learn numerous virtues to lead a healthier and happier life. As mentioned in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, this book also takes the reader down the self-discovery path. It helps the readers to think out of the box and make use of tactics that are unusual and extraordinary.
In the book, Dan is intrigued by the knowledge that his master imparts but most of the conversation seems one-sided. Nonetheless, he is taught the act of kindness as well by his master who throws light on the fact that one can expect happiness in his life by creating happier lives for others. This book is one of the best books by Robin Sharma. Sharma emphasizes the potential of every human being and makes his readers believe in themselves. Few of the writers can have such an influence on their readers but Sharma is truly a master of words. If the reader diligently follows the facts and regimes stated in the book, then their lives will change for the better and they will continue to be a guiding light for their near and dear ones.
8. Family Wisdom From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
This book also comes under the category of Robin Sharma best books since it is a part of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari series. This book was published in 2000 for the first time. As the title suggests, this book revolves around effective parenting, maintaining healthy relations with your partner and other members of the family, and so on. All in all, it teaches the art of living a peaceful life full of joy and enjoyment with your family.
This Robin Sharma book employs a strategic and simple method to lead a life that imparts inner peace, balance, and joy in one’s life. The story revolves around the life of Catherine Mantle, a business titan. Her life turns upside down when she is involved in an air crash. She comes face to face with death that leaves her with numerous questions about life. When she is at the hospital, she meets with her brother Julian Mantle, our protagonist from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. Julian went to the Himalayas and met the great Sages who enlightened him with great knowledge of life and spirituality. From then on, it has become his life’s mission to guide others with the same knowledge that the Sages have enlightened him with.
In this book by Robin Sharma, Julian shares his words of wisdom with his sister, Catherine, and helps her take the major life-changing decisions of her life. He quotes a number of great men who have had the fortune of living a fulfilling life of peace and happiness. Julian also talks about a number of practical and easy ways to do this. He provides the best ways to remain connected with your loved ones. If you are looking for a book that recreates the whole concept of family, spirituality, and inner peace, then this is your pick!
Family Wisdom is one of the many Robin Sharma best books.
9. The Secret Letters of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
This book also follows a series of Robin Sharma best books. It is also in the continuation of the famous book, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. This is a story of the breathtaking tale of the Sages and their lifelong secret to a healthy and peaceful life. The best books by Robin Sharma have always talked about the power of self-discovery. This book is no different but apart from that, it also throws light on how it feels to be fully aware of oneself.
The story revolves around Jonathan Laundry, an engineer who is completely devoted to his work. His life seems to fall apart. On his chance encounter with his long-lost uncle, Julian Mantle, Jonathan is compelled to take this journey across the globe. The purpose of this journey is to collect secret letters from different people around the world. These letters hold the secret to living a life of peace and sustainability. Each letter is an experience in itself. Jonathan travels from Buenos Aries to Paris to Shanghai and then, India.
As the journey continues, Jonathan’s life starts making sense to him. Every new journey to a new country gives him a new outlook on life. He learns great and enriching life lessons throughout. He realizes the value of self-improvement along the way. The fact that the solution to all our problems lies within us is presented in utmost simplicity by Sharma’s words. The letters along with the life lessons are extremely compelling and inspiring. No matter if you are at a high or low point in your life, this book is a must-read.
10. Leadership Wisdom from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
This one is one of the earliest of Robin Sharma books. Published just after two years of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, this is another interesting read in this series of books. All the books that form a series of this are termed as the best books by Robin Sharma. This book will change the way you perceive a situation. It will enhance the way you think and act. This Robin Sharma book provides a step-by-step guide to achieve the desired leadership in your personal and professional life.
Sharma follows the cue of eight steps or lessons to enlighten his readers. All the eight lessons of wisdom are not just restricted to leadership. They provide information beyond it stating the fact that leadership is a broad spectrum. All the eight lessons speak to you directly. Sharma’s narrative is engaging and interesting. It keeps the readers intact. Sharma has still retained the art of fable-telling. It is the best book on leadership and hence, one of Robin Sharma best books. The book is centred on the CEO of a failing who meets with one of his former employees who is a monk now. This monk gives him these eight lessons for a lifetime. If you need a little motivation in life, then please read this awe-inspiring book by Robin Sharma.
In addition to deriving the benefits of Robin Sharma best books and motivating yourself, you can derive plenty of benefits from reading itself!